July 8, 2023
Purification and Certainty
Chukat comes from ‘chok‘, which means the law. The beginning of the portion is about the Red Heifer, which is purification from death.
What are we getting pure from? Death. Every human being has the energy of the Angel of Death around them, that’s why we die until we can purify the body. The soul doesn’t need purification, it’s already pure. The body is not pure, it has an aspect of the left column, desire to receive for the self alone, that’s why it’s not pure. Until the body is pure a person cannot achieve the original prophecy of Ezekiel – immortality.
On Mt. Sinai we lost 5 letters in the Hebrew alphabet that had to do with immortality. If you take ‘par’ (pay, resh) you get 280, and the hey, which is 5, is a code for the 5 final letters. When they call it red heifer, it’s a code for how you build a structure of purification. We need to understand there is a chance to get purified this week. The Zohar says, when a person goes to purify himself, the Angels help him. When a person comes to do something negative, the angels will help with that, too. Why is there a support system to do negative things? The free will is up to us. What we do with our life is up to us. There is no guessing what’s good or bad, we have choices in life to do whatever we would like to do.
Certainty means, your desire and the Crea-tor’s desire becomes one. If it doesn’t work, you know it’s the best thing that ever hap-pened to you. You can’t use certainty to ma-nipulate God. Certainty works only when it’s good for you? That’s not purification. Whatev-er situation you’re in – that’s what’s best for you. Cannot be just how you want it. What kind of relationship do we have with God? Religion is based on promising you, if you will behave, be a good boy or girl, you might get candy – if you don’t get it now, it will wait for you in the Garden of Eden. What a marketing plan!
Every person has a test. You need to know that God knows everything that’s going to happen. It’s the free will to know you chose to do the best you can with your knowledge. Go for it, don’t be worried. Inject certainty, say its funny, laugh, smile, and deal with it. Things will happen more than you can believe.
Love to you all,