19 août 2023
Parshat Shoftim: Being Justin Our Judgements
This week’s Torah portion, Parshat Shoftim, focuses on themes of justice and truth. These themes are timeless, but they hold particular relevance in this moment of heightened tension and confusion. Why? Because we are all searching for answers, and often that search shifts into a hunt for someone to blame. It’s no surprise that we are bewildered, as we are bombarded with an onslaught of conflicting messages every day. This is where the portion steps in to guide us. Its message this week—that we should place judges at the gates—reminds us that our perspective is limited to our five senses. Therefore, we must be as watchful as a guard over what goes in and out of this "gate." Otherwise, it will become increasingly difficult to determine what is true and just.
So, what action can we take to guard this "gate," which is a metaphor for how we perceive life? For starters, we can become more intentional and conscious about what we allow to enter and exit through it. For example, we should be vigilant about what we eat. The mouth is part of our gate, so we must be mindful not only of what we say (what leaves our gate) but also of what we allow to enter it. Our ears are also part of the gate. If we listen passively while someone speaks negatively about others, that negativity enters our gate and clouds our clarity when it comes to truth and justice. Of course, our media consumption is also relevant here. What do we let in through our ears and eyes that might be distorting our vision?
Perhaps, through our gate, we’ve witnessed an act of injustice. This could present us with a moral dilemma: Should we act on what we’ve seen or ignore it? The impact of our decision is likely to be significant for ourselves and others, so it’s natural for the situation to give us pause. However, the Torah is clear that we are obligated to speak up. If we are in a position to witness an injustice, we have been called by the Divine to testify about it so that justice can be served. Being a witness is an important role. It helps provide clarity for others, and it is a responsibility that cannot be ignored. Though this task can be difficult, the Torah makes it clear that it is the right thing to do because it is how we help deliver justice.
At the same time, we should remain humble and open, considering that the Divine may have other reasons for placing us in the role of “witness.” Perhaps we were positioned there to learn something ourselves. Reflecting on an injustice we’ve witnessed might prompt us to recognize a wrong action of our own. With this in mind, we should always refrain from being overly judgmental. Remember, when we are judged, we are judged by the same standards we have used to judge others. For example, if we harshly judge someone for lying, we will be held to the same standard when we speak. Being excessively critical simply highlights our own flaws. So, consider whether you want to be measured by the same strict standards you impose on others.
It is significant that we read Parshat Shoftim during the month of Virgo, a time traditionally associated with purity and preparation. According to Rabbi Isaac Luria, Virgo is a time to prepare for Rosh Hashanah, when we will all be judged. This portion serves as a reminder that before we are judged, we must guard our gate in preparation. This is how we maintain the clarity and vision necessary to evaluate our actions with honesty and fairness. By staying humble, resisting the urge to judge others, and speaking up when called upon, we can manifest truth and justice in our daily lives.
As we approach Rosh Hashanah, I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and sweet New Year—Shaná Tová. Great things are ahead, and in the meantime, I wish you safety, health, and unity. Thank you.